Day 1: 12th August 2022

Time Topic  
0730 - 0815 Registration  
0815 - 0830 Welcome note Dato Dr Bavanandam Naidu
0830 - 0915 Approach to second trimester targeted scan Dr Buvanes Chelliah
0915 - 1000 The Fetal Gut Dr TP Baskaran
1000 - 1030 Breakfast  
1030 - 1100 Fetal Neurosonogram Dato Dr Bavanandam Naidu
1100 - 1130 Anomalies of fetal thorax Dr Buvanes Chelliah
1130 - 1200 Imaging the placenta and cervical pathology Dr Muniswaran Ganeshan
1200 - 1215 Spot the Diagnosis Dr Muniswaran Ganeshan
1215 - 1230 Q & A Moderator: Dr Nadia
1245 - 1400 Friday Prayers / Lunch / Booth Visiting  
1400 - 1430 Live demo : Second trimester anomaly scan Dr Buvanes Chelliah
1430 - 1500 Spectrum of small fetus Dr J Ravichandran Jeganathan
1500 - 1600 Fetal growth restriction and the role of Doppler in its management Dr Nithin Chaubal
1600 - 1630 The sIUGR fetus Dr Bijoy Balakrishnan
1630 - 1700 Prenatal Diagnosis : Genetics in antenatal clinic Dr Sujatha
1700 - 1730 Walk the cases with the experts Moderator:
Dr Anizah

Dr J Ravichandran Jeganathan
Dr Nithin Chaubal
Dr Bijoy Balakrishnan
1730 Tea and Closure  

Day 2: 13th August 2022

Time Topic  
0745 - 0800 Spot the diagnosis Dr Buvanes Chelliah
0800- 0830 Fetal abnormalities one should not miss Recorded talk ( Dr Japaraj)
0830 - 0900 Fetal search and rescue Dato Dr Bavanandam Naidu
0900 - 0930 Updates on fetal urinary tract dilatation and renal disorders Dr Buvanes Chelliah
0930 - 1000 Ultrasound in Obstetric Emergency Dr Krishna Kumar
1000 - 1020 Breakfast  
1020 - 1050 First trimester anomalies Dr Voon Hian Yan
1050 - 1120 Algorithmic Approach to Skeletal Dysplasia Dr TP Baskaran
1120 - 1150 Approach to fetal abdominal wall defect Dr Rafaie Amin
1150 - 1220 Second trimester Soft marker: An Update Dr Emily Christine D Silva
1220 - 1235 Q&A Moderator:
Dr Yong Soon Leong
1235 - 1250 Sponsored Lunch Symposium  
1250 - 1330 Lunch break and booth visiting  
1330 - 1400 Live Demo First Trimester Dr Voon Hian Yan
1400 - 1430 Systemic approach to multiple pregnancies Dr Tan Lee Na
1430 - 1500 Topic : The Management of Monochorionic twins: The new RCOG Green Top 2022 Prof Mark David Kilby
1500 - 1530 Japaraj Memorial Lecture: Fetal Therapy and Recent Advances Dr Glen Gardener
1530 - 1545 Walk the cases with the experts Moderator:
Dr Yong Soon Leong

Dr Tan Lee Na
Dr Glenn Gardener
1545- 1615 Fundamentals of Fetal Echocardiography Dr Balu Vaidyanathan
1615 - 1645 Approach to diagnosis of common heart defects in the fetus Dr Balu Vaidyanathan
1645 - 1700 Q&A Moderator:
Dr Yong Soon Leong
1700 Closure of 17th Japaraj
O&G Advanced Ultrasound Course

SUNDAY, 22 MAY 2022

0800 - 0830 Quiz 5: Recap of Day 2   Dr Muniswaran Ganeshan
0830 - 1030 Symposium 8 : What is new in obstetric medicine?
0830 - 0900 Cardiomyopathy in pregnancy: A review Dr Teoh Chee Kiang
0900 - 0930 The use of statins in pregnancy Dr Kenneth Chen
0930 - 1000 Latent and Resistant TB: Diagnostic and management dilemma Dr Zamzurina Abu Bakar
1000 - 1030 Interpregnancy care Dr Voon Hian Yan
1030 - 1045 Comfort Break
1045 - 1245 Symposium 9 : Controversies
1045 - 1115 Mitral stenosis in pregnancy Dr Aslannif Roslan
1115 - 1145 End stage renal disease & pregnancy Dr Mohamed Zaimi Abdul Wahab
1145 - 1215 Aneurysm in pregnancy Dr Ganeshwara Durai Raja Lingam
1215 - 1245 Cancers in pregnancy : An overview Dr Muthukkumaran A/L Thiagarajan
1245 - 1305 Quiz 6: Dermatology in pregnancy Dr Muniswaran Ganeshan
1305 - 1345 Lunch
1345 - 1430 Industry sponsored symposium : Maternal Immunization
1430 - 1500 Safety of COVID-19 vaccine and booster in pregnancy Dr Muniswaran Ganeshan
1500 - 1600 Symposium 10 : Leadership in obstetric medicine
1500 - 1520 Multidisciplinary meetings: What have I learned Dr Muniswaran Ganeshan
1520 - 1540 What does it take to be a maternal medicine specialist? Dr Tan Lay Kok
1540 - 1600 The obstetric medicine network Ms Joanna Girling
1600 - 1730 The MOM’s Challenge : The Obstetric Medicine Champion

More details coming soon!